If so, the collapse in the external value of the new currency might offer little gain in competitiveness. Personally, I would be more optimistic: the improvements in competitiveness might well be large. 如果这样,新货币对外价值的崩盘对希腊竞争力的提升可能微不足道。而我个人会更乐观:竞争力的改善幅度很可能很大。
The high degree of external orientation of the economy also means that monetary policy should aim at achieving a stable external value of the currency. 对于高度外向型的经济体系来说,其货币政策应以维持货币的汇价稳定为目标。
Despite the relentless rise in the external value of their currency, euro-zone businesses are still braving the storm. 尽管欧元汇率上涨势不可挡,但欧元区企业面对这场风暴仍是泰然自若。
Indeed, Europeans are concerned, as they see the external value of the currency fall. 事实上,在欧洲人了解到欧元的外部价值在下降之时,他们对此也很担心。
According to internationally financial theory, the external and internal value of a currency should be the same. 按照传统国际金融理论,一国货币的对内、对外价值应当趋同,即成正比例地同升同贬。
As an important indicator in modern economic system, exchange rate is a reflection of external and internal value of the currency, and is also extremely significant to the international trade. 作为现代经济体系中十分重要的经济指标,汇率是一国货币对外和对内价值的体现,会对国际贸易产生极其重要的影响。
According to the theory of Purchasing Power Parity, the external value and internal value of a national currency should change toward the same direction. 按照购买力平价理论,一国货币的对外价值和对内价值应该呈同方向变动。